That’s how I feel right now! Totally whacko crazy, but not in a bad way. I just now finally finished the revised revision of the edit of my manuscript! I’ll be sending it off to my editor tomorrow or Friday. And you know what this means?

It means that I’m on schedule for a release before the holidays! WAHOO!

(Minor detail: My original goal was to publish before the 2023  holidays, but who’s quibbling about timing? Not me!)

More to come as soon as I have more to say. Meanwhile, enjoy some petunias. Best smelling flowers ever.

Purple petunias in a blue pot, against an adobe wall background

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About lifstrand

Lif Strand began writing fiction when she was a kid. Nobody read her stories. A former Arabian horse breeder and endurance racer, then reporter and freelance white paper writer, Lif lives in a straw bale house off-the-grid and writes fiction once more--or at least whenever she’s not scooping horse poop, taking photos, or playing with fabric art.

2 Responses to CRAZY!

  1. Dede says:

    Congrats! Must be a great feeling!

    • lifstrand says:

      It felt great yesterday and it still feels great today. I just sent off the manuscript to my editor, so in a couple weeks we shall see how great I am feeling!