So much has happened and is happening right now! I’m this close to feeling totally overwhelmed… but I’m not there yet.
Anyway, I want to apologize to whoever might have been wanting to know about what the heck is going on with the horses and the writing and whatnot. I really can’t go into much detail right now without stressing myself even more, so all I’m going to say is that things went sour with Sonny, who had ongoing hoof issues, and now she’s dead and buried. The sequel to Dark Green is coming along, but slowly so slowly because of all the other crap that I’m not going to even get started on.
But as they say, this too will pass. Who knows when, but it will.
Meanwhile, here’s a photo of some colorful critters that are pretty well camouflaged against my bed quilt, which is fairly amazing considering their coloration. They make me smile when I look at them and I hope they make you smile, too.
Note: There are two frogs plus the iguana.
More explaination needed! Why exactly are there two frogs and one iguana on your bed?
Because that’s all the frogs and iguanas I have?
That looks great. Those critters are so cute.
They are cute! In the flesh, so to speak, the fabric is metallic/shiny and really flashy.