It’s Saturday! Whoopie!

Why the Saturday whoopie? Because I thought it was Sunday, and on Sundays I have social media accounts for clients to update, plus websites. Dreary, but it’s what I do. Worse, I shouldn’t say “clients” because that implies I’m paid, but I’m not doing webmastery kind of stuff for pay anymore – what I’m doing is volunteer work. Even so, it’s dreary stuff.

So today, being Saturday, means I’m not stuck doing that stuff. Free! Free!

So this is what Saturday has been like so far (it’s about 1 PM as I write this). I woke up and decided I wasn’t freezing cold, so that was good. It meant that I had properly banked the fire in the wood stove last night, and yup, when I checked there were hot embers just waiting to be fed. Look ma! No matches required! Actually, I cheat and use a propane torch to light my fires when I don’t have the hot embers to get it going. I do own matches, though.

Two goldfish swimming under a shelf of iceAfter the usual morning chores (feed Bubz, feed Koko, feed Gabby, prep horse & goat meals for PM, break ice in the water trough) I sat down with a cup of coffee. Played a few games of solitaire. Looked at Wordle, used up two guesses and decided to wait till later for the next guess. Then I resumed my major project of clearing out my studio, which (hopefully) will be transformed into a kitchen this spring.

In the middle of that someone knocked on the door.

You gotta understand, I live way off the beaten path. I’m not used to anybody showing up here. I’m so into solitude that even though my door was being knocked on by a guy who had come over to look at a fence job AND I knew very well that he was coming, I still jumped in alarm. There just might have been the teeniest bit of a squeak that came out of my mouth, but I’m not saying there was.

So okay, the next half hour involved walking down my valley talking about fencing. It had warmed up to 40° then but with that wind blowing (BLOWING!!!) it felt more like 30°. I had been so startled by the knock on the door that I had left the house without a jacket. Wow, I just now shivered remembering that. Anyway, I have to draw a map and email it to Joe, the fence guy, and we’ll go from there.

I just realized that the original fence guy from 30 years ago also was named Joe. And I had a beloved dog named Joe. Huh. Like anybody cares.

All right, moving on to the rest of the morning. I spent it yammering on social media. I have decided I really am going to take the week off from Facebook for sure. Maybe Instagram, too (but that’s where I post my photos plus I really like seeing the artwork that gets posted there). Definitely off of Threads (I don’t look at Threads on a daily basis anyway). I don’t think there are any other platforms that I look at that META is involved with. Anyway, any time spent posting and replying is probably more time than I really need to spend on that. I have the final edits to my current novel to deal with, and the cover, and then the publishing process. I have a new critter coming to live here (not yet ready to introduce her) and have to prep for that.

Anyway, my plan is to not do Facebook for a week starting tomorrow (I probably will look at Bluesky to find out what’s happening in the world). Instead I will post more here. It’s not the same as the back-and-forth of FB though, so we’ll see how I feel about it in a week.

More later. Or not.

Meanwhile, will you or won’t you be on social media starting tomorrow? What’re your thoughts on that?


LATER: My friend Laura went into town today and stopped at the library. They had a book waiting for me, so they gave it to her to give to me, and they sent the checkout slip to me via email. I now have eight books checked out and ALL of them are Interlibrary Loans. You know what that means? I effectively have nine library cards! I love ILLs!!


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About lifstrand

Lif Strand began writing fiction when she was a kid. Nobody read her stories. A former Arabian horse breeder and endurance racer, then reporter and freelance white paper writer, Lif lives in a straw bale house off-the-grid and writes fiction once more--or at least whenever she’s not scooping horse poop, taking photos, or playing with fabric art.

4 Responses to It’s Saturday! Whoopie!

  1. Dede says:

    What kind of critter?

  2. Jo Lynn says:

    Hi Lif. I loved reading about Joe as I love him dearly also. So that put a smile on my face. It’s very windy and cold but I got my chores done such as picking up poop, dogs fed, vacuumed and cooking our dinner in the oven. Lasagna (frozen). Yes I will be on Facebook but I need to check out that new one your talking about. As our view differ I will be watching on Monday. Love you Lif. Jo Lynn

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