I’m on the fence about Facebook but I do know I’m joining the thundering herd that’s staying away from it this coming week. It’ll be good for me to not be distracted from stuff I’m supposed to be doing, but also it’ll be good for META to get a reboot if enough people join in the protest or whatever you want to call it.
Engaging with social media eats up creativity time. So this will hopefully also be a reboot for me if I can keep myself away from other platforms, like Instagram (which is META, too) and Bluesky (which is not). Keeping away from X is a no-brainer, at least for me and for the folks I respect.
Plus if I post less on social media platforms, I’ll do better at nattering on here. And sharing my photos and fabric art and news about my books. And by the way—I will have some news very shortly about the sequel to Dark Green!
So, to borrow a phrase of Wil Wheaton’s, I’m letting my FB and a few other accounts “go fallow” for a while. I’m going to be more diligent about writing here, and if you subscribe to this blog (tap/click on the SUBSCRIBE button in the right side column on my website) you won’t miss a thing!
Meanwhile, here’s Gabby lookin’ atcha.
Life, how do I access your site? I went a kind of convoluted way to see this.
Glad Bobbi is still around. Does she still have Loki & Robbie?
Moved back home to MN. Bought a house in the suburbs. I hurt my back many times until I didn’t recover enough to have the donkeys & as many dogs.
Hey Joyce – did the SUBSCRIBE button not work for you?
Hi, Lif.
I’ll try to stay connected, I am just getting very tired of the changing tech world.
Yeah, that can happen. This isn’t FB but it is a way to chat.
Hi Lif, its been years since we met on Pat Wilsons. ‘New Mexico Riders’ . Is Bobbi Brown still around. I live in Minnesota now instead of Alamogordo.
Joyce Jorgenson.
Hi Joyce! Bobbie currently is living in Nevada. She’s got the same email address as before, though.
Minnesota???? Don’t you miss New Mexico?