One of the perps

A great blue heron sitting in the top of a tree, against a yellowish grassy background Here we have a mug shot photo of one of the perps, taken on the second day of it and its partner’s deadly attack on the goldfish in my horse trough.

Definite bad attitude. Zero remorse. Repeat offender.

But the court will be lenient because some fish survived. Possibly all, but the reports are still coming in. Stay tuned for updates.

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About lifstrand

Lif Strand began writing fiction when she was a kid. Nobody read her stories. A former Arabian horse breeder and endurance racer, then reporter and freelance white paper writer, Lif lives in a straw bale house off-the-grid and writes fiction once more--or at least whenever she’s not scooping horse poop, taking photos, or playing with fabric art.

One Response to One of the perps

  1. Sharon Bostick says:

    The courts should take into consideration that the birds are hungry. You are doing your best to protect your family of fish. Good luck.