About lifstrand

Lif Strand began writing fiction when she was a kid. Nobody read her stories. A former Arabian horse breeder and endurance racer, then reporter and freelance white paper writer, Lif lives in a straw bale house off-the-grid and writes fiction once more--or at least whenever she’s not scooping horse poop, taking photos, or playing with fabric art.

DARK GREEN: It’s simple but not easy

See that book I’m holding in the photo (don’t look at my hair, please). That’s my novel DARK GREEN, the first in the Mangas County Mysteries series. When I published it last fall I didn’t know it was going to need a subtitle. I mean, I knew that it was… Continue reading

And so it goes: writing is hard work!

This writing business is hard on a person. The hours of sitting is hard on my back, focusing on the screen for so long messes up my neck and shoulders, typing and typing and typing—or, worse, not typing, but cursing instead. Writing is hard work! But really, the truly hard… Continue reading